If you feel there are any errors in these records, or additions/corrections to be made, please contact oldcollegians@scotch.sa.edu.au.
If you feel there are any errors in these records, or additions/corrections to be made, please contact oldcollegians@scotch.sa.edu.au.
Last Name | First Name |
Abbey | Robert |
Adamson | Colin |
Ahmed | Uzair |
Aitken | Ian |
Akkerman | Shaun |
Alexander | John |
Allen | David |
Allen | Joff |
Allen | Matthew |
Allen | Richard |
Allert | Clive |
Allison | Ken |
Altschwager | Ian |
Amberg | Andrew |
Andrewartha | Mitchell |
Archibald | Hamish |
Archibald | Lachlan |
Arnold | Chris |
Ash | Trevor |
Ashforth | Michael |
Ashforth | Peter |
Avis | Christopher |
Awan | Sheryar |
Badenoch | Andrew |
Barnet | Tony |
Barrington-Case | Louis |
Barrington-Case | Henry |
Barter | Charles |
Bascome | Okera |
Bastian | Jake |
Batchelor | Stuart |
Battle | Andrew |
Battle | Tony |
Bauer | Rod |
Bearman | Chris |
Becker | Zac |
Beenie | Ken |
Begley | James |
Bell | Peter |
Belle | Hayden |
Bevan | Mal |
Billing | Andrew |
Binks | Tim |
Blake | Andrew |
Blanch | Cooper |
Bland | Steve |
Blieschke | Jeremy |
Blieschke | Lachlan |
Blieschke | Stuart |
Blight | Nick |
Bok | Eddie |
Boland | Andrew |
Bolton | Adam |
Booth | Terry |
Booth | Blake |
Bourne | Henry |
Bourne | Mark |
Bourne | Tom |
Bowen | Peter |
Brackstroke | Alex |
Braendler | Michael |
Branson | Chris |
Brewer | Nick |
Brice | Rob |
Brice | Tom |
Brickyl | Roger |
Briscoe | Peter |
Broadhurst | Jamie |
Broderick | Tom |
Brown | Russell |
Bryson | John |
Bryson | Roger |
Buckley | Justin |
Butcher | John |
Butler | S |
Bywater | Toby |
Cadman | Paul |
Cahill | Daniel |
Cahill | Paul |
Camens | Andrew |
Campbell | Jamus |
Cane | Tom |
Cannon | David |
Capurso | Adrian |
Carlson | Stefan |
Carter | Geoff |
Carter | Jeff |
Casey | Colin |
Castine | Riley |
Catford | Adam |
Catford | Tristan |
Caudle | Tom |
Caulfield | John |
Cester | Dennis |
Chalmers | Malcolm |
Chambers | Greg |
Champion | Tim |
Chaplin | Harry |
Chapman | Wade |
Chapman | Henry |
Charnoch | Chris |
Chaudhry | Muhammad |
Claring-Bould | Stuart |
Clifford | John |
Clurey | Tom |
Cock | D |
Coleman | Malcolm |
Coleman-Jones | Callum |
Collett | Max |
Collett | Peter |
Collins | Andy |
Colyer | Tony |
Cook | Alex |
Cook | Nicholas |
Coombe | Hamish |
Copley | Daniel |
Cosh | Andrew |
Cosh | Tim |
Costello | Harry |
Cottle | Andrew |
Coulls | Murray |
Coulls | Rob |
Cox | Gavin |
Cox | Simon |
Cox | Tim |
Coxon | Ben |
Cruickshank | Allan |
Dakin | Jared |
Danson | Andrew |
Darling | Ryan |
Darling | Sam |
Dart | Ned |
Davies | Blake |
Davies | Tyron |
Davis | A |
Davis | Peter |
Dawes | Patrick |
Dean | Sean |
Decesare | Alexander |
Delbridge | Lachlan |
Delvins | Timothy |
Dezylva | Cooper |
Dighton | Simon |
Dignan | Tony |
Dinnen | Rob |
Dinnick | Peter |
Dissanayake | Kanishka |
Dixon | Matthew |
Dodd | James |
Dodd | Edwin |
Dow | Andrew |
Drake | Brad |
Drewer | Rick |
Drewer | Conner |
Dunow | Todd |
Dunstan | Lyn |
Dunstan | Peter |
Dunstan | R |
Duong | Tai |
Dyson | Ben |
Dyson | Sam |
Eagleton | Kyan |
Eden | Jarrad |
Edgecombe | David |
Edmonds-Wilson | Nigel |
Edwards | Cameron |
Elford | Mark |
Ellis | Simon |
Ellis | Shane |
Emmett | Nick |
Emmett | Tom |
Esplin | G |
Evans | Terry |
Falconer | Matthew |
Farkas | Julian |
Feeney | Max |
Feeney | Peter |
Fenwick | Andrew |
Firman | Jon |
Firman | Martin |
Fisher | Charles |
Fleetwood | Ian |
Foord-Spriggs | Scott |
Fowler | Andrew |
Fox | Gavan |
Fox | John |
Fox | Nathan |
Francis | Jack |
Francis | Henry |
Francis | Lachlan |
Fuller | Andrew |
Fuller | Michael |
Fuller | Tony |
Fuss | Ben |
Fuss | Samuel |
Fuss | Tom |
Fuss | Nick |
Gardener | Will |
Gerschwitz | A |
Gerschwitz | Jamie |
Gibson | Ben |
Gilbertson | Les |
Gilchrist | Jock |
Giles | Lachlan |
Gilfillan | Rick |
Gilmore | Alistair |
Gilmore | Hugh |
Gilmore | Will |
Glyer | A |
Goles | L |
Goode | David |
Goode | Nick |
Goode | Paul |
Goode | Rick |
Goode | Rob |
Goode | Will |
Gordon | Hugh |
Gordon | Simon |
Gould | Brad |
Greatorex | James |
Green | Ricky |
Greenway | Paul |
Grove | Derek |
Grundy | Tom |
Halbert | John |
Hall | Rob |
Handley | Alex |
Hardy | Ben |
Hardy | Josh |
Hargreaves | Sam |
Harrington | Nick |
Harris | Peter |
Harrison | Ian |
Harrison | Martin |
Hart | James |
Harvey | Colin |
Harvey | Lachlan |
Harvey | Mitch |
Harvey | Peter |
Harvey | Stuart |
Harvey-Kelly | Ralph |
Haslam | Ross |
Hayes | Jason |
Healy | Daniel |
Heard | Geoff |
Heard | Graeme |
Heard | Louis |
Heard | Mark |
Heard | Oliver |
Henderson | Seb |
Herbert | Jason |
Hewitt | Greg |
Hewitt | M |
Hickinbotham | Alan |
Hicks | Stephen |
Higgs | Matt |
Hill | Travis |
Hiscock | Brendan |
Hodges | Barrie |
Hodges | Phil |
Hogan | R |
Hogben | Angus |
Holder | Peter |
Holsinger | J |
Hopton | Mark |
Hopton | Nick |
Hopton | Nigel |
Horley | Mark |
Hughes | Chris |
Humble | David |
Hume | Guy |
Hunt | Steve |
Huntley | Richard |
Hurley-Wellington | George |
Hurst | Nicholas |
Hyde | Jono |
Hyde | Finley |
Ianniello | Jack |
Irwin | Angus |
Isaksson | Peter |
Isaksson | Tom |
Jackson | William |
James | Paul |
Jarrett | Bruce |
Jarrett | David |
Jeffries | Paul |
Jenkins | Nigel |
Johnson | Jim |
Jones | Hugh |
Jones | Malcolm |
Kariyawasam | Kassapa |
Keen | Michael |
Kelly | Mark |
Kelly | Tim |
Kelly | Max |
Kempe | Fergus |
Kennedy | Hamish |
Keoghan | Matthew |
Kidman | David |
Kidman | George |
Kidman | Mark |
Kidman | Nick |
Kidman | Tom |
Kitto | Angus |
Klap | Vic |
Knox | Tim |
Koutsoukos | Con |
Ladd | Thomas |
Lagonik | Jono |
Landau | Chris |
Lander | Tom |
Langcake | Sean |
Langford | John |
Laube | Kym |
Lavis | Phil |
Lavis | Scott |
Lawrence | Bob |
Laycock | Hudson |
Lee | C |
Lees | Bill |
Legoe | Ben |
Leitch | Will |
Lenthall | Joseph |
Leonard | Damien |
Lewis | John |
Lewis | T |
Lithgow | Brett |
Lock | Jackson |
Lord | Hamish |
Lovelock | Michael |
Lovie | Stuart |
Ludlow | Adam |
Ludlow | Alan |
Ludlow | John |
Ludlow | Michael |
Lutt | Nick |
Lyon | Grant |
MacGillivray | Angus |
MacGregor | Sean |
MacGregor | Charlie |
MacGregor | Jay |
MacKenzie | Craig |
MacKenzie | Lloyd |
MacKenzie | Tom |
Magers | James |
Malcolm | James |
Mann | David |
Mann | Richard |
Mann | Stephen |
Mansfield | Harry |
Mansfield | Ben |
Marham | K |
Marjanac | Jules |
Marslen | Max |
Martens | Nick |
Martin | Morrie |
Martin | Simon |
Matz | Jed |
Matz | Peter |
Mayfield | Andrew |
Mc Gregor | Will |
McArthur | Colin |
McArthur | John |
McCauley | Michael |
McColl | Damien |
McConnell | John |
McConnell | Mark |
McFadyen | Connor |
McGill | A |
McGregor | Henry |
McKechnie | John |
McKenzie | Max |
McKeown | Finn |
McLeay | Phil |
McNeil | Mark |
McNeil | Paul |
McPherson | Murray |
McPherson | Norm |
Measday | Simon |
Messenger | Greg |
Messenger | Ian |
Miles | Simon |
Miles | Wes |
Millard | Peter |
Miller | Allan |
Milne | Nick |
Mitchell | Danny |
Mitchell | Tony |
Mitchell | Edward |
Mitchell | Harry |
Montgomery | Martin |
Morbey | Charlie |
Morgan | Archie |
Morgan | Charlie |
Morris | Robert |
Morrison | Andy |
Morrison | Jamie |
Mudie | Andrew |
Mudie | Guy |
Mudie | Miles |
Mullins | D |
Munday | J |
Mutton | J |
Myhill | Peter |
Nadebaum | John |
Naish | Tony |
Narayanan | Ashvin |
Nelson | Ben |
Nelson | Cameron |
Nichol | David |
Nicholls | Joel |
Nicholls | Sam |
Niederer | Adam |
Niederer | Bob |
Niederer | James |
Oates | Matthew |
O'Callaghan | Paul |
O'Connell | James |
O'Loughlin | Simon |
O'Reilly | Matt |
O'Reilly | Cormack |
Oughton | Sam |
Owen | Chris |
Paddick | Lachlan |
Padhye | Vikram |
Paech | M |
Paparella | Morgan |
Parfitt | Djaydan |
Parry | Bill |
Parsons | Charlie |
Parsons | Stephen |
Parsons | Les |
Pascoe | Ben |
Pascoe | James |
Pascoe | John |
Patterson | Gavin |
Patterson | Joe |
Patterson | Scott |
Patterson | Nicholas |
Pedler | Ian |
Pengley | S |
Pentelow | Sam |
Perry | Marcus |
Pettit | Jordy |
Phillips | Bradley |
Phillips | Brian |
Phillips | Craig |
Phillips | James |
Phillips | Ryan |
Pickhaver | Thomas |
Pipprell | Alan |
Ploenges | Sam |
Poulos | David |
Power | David |
Procter | Robert |
Radbone | Shane |
Rainsford | Dean |
Rainsford | Zac |
Ralph | Adrian |
Ralph | Kym |
Reade | Terry |
Redden | Hugh |
Rees | Brendan |
Reid | Adam |
Reid | John |
Rendall | Alex |
Reynolds | P |
Richter | Michael |
Rickards | Scott |
Risby | Martyn |
Roberts | Bevan |
Roberts | Ken |
Roberts | Nick |
Roberts | Scott |
Roberts | Todd |
Roberts | Walter |
Roberts | Tom |
Robertson | Angus |
Rockliff | Tom |
Rogers | Chris |
Rogers | Toby |
Rolfe | Doug |
Rolfe | Peter |
Rosevear | Jim |
Rosevear | Sam |
Rossetto | Daniel |
Rowston | Andrew |
Ruse | Jono |
Russell | Tim |
Ryan | Archer |
Ryder | Kym |
Ryder | Oliver |
Sagar | Rahul |
Saies | Michael |
Sampson | Travis |
Santos | John |
Savage | Tony |
Schlank | Jeff |
Schmidt | Jared |
Schmidt | Jordan |
Schofield | Nick |
Scholz | David |
Scott | Tony |
Scragg | Brett |
Scriven | Ian |
Scrymgour | John |
Segat | Matthew |
Shanaka | Dasun |
Shaw | Chris |
Shaw | Richard |
Shepherd | Matt |
Shergold | Peter |
Short | Kaylem |
Siddons | James |
Silvy | Michael |
Sims | N |
Sipek | Michael |
Slade | A |
Smallacombe | Brett |
Smallacombe | Will |
Smith | Andrew |
Smith | Ash |
Smith | C |
Smith | Nick |
Smith | Tom |
Snell | Bill |
Snowball | Geoff |
Spencer | Quinn |
Stapley | Richard |
Stewart | Jason |
Stewart | R |
Stone | Michael |
Stow | Harry |
Stuart | Dave |
Stuart | Hamish |
Summerton | Marcus |
Sutton | D |
Swale | Adrian |
Swann | Geoff |
Swart | Ben |
Swifte | Ned |
Symonds | D |
Tarling | Jake |
Taylor | Michael |
Taylor | Jack |
Taylor | Noah |
Testa | Finlay |
Tester | Michael |
Thom | Sammy |
Thomas | Cameron |
Thomas | Ian |
Thompson | L |
Thompson | Peter |
Thorpe | Cameron |
Thwaites | Mark |
Tilbrook | Joel |
Tilley | Raymond |
Tippett | G |
Tippett | Murray |
Tippett | Noel |
Tippett | Paul |
Tolley | Sam |
Tonkin | Neil |
Toulantas | George |
Townley | Scott |
Treloar | Henry |
Treloar | John |
Treloar | Doug |
Trumble | James |
Trumble | Paul |
Trumble | Peter |
Tucker | Anthony |
Tucker | Jody |
Turipa | Quinn |
Turner | Matt |
Turner | Will |
Twopeny | Hugo |
Vadasz | Michael |
Vagnarelli | John |
Versteegh | Jacob |
Voigt | Henry |
Walkom | Phil |
Walter | Hugo |
Walter | Ned |
Walter | Nick |
Walters | Sam |
Warraich | Taahaa |
Watson | Ken |
Watts | Andrew |
Weatherald | Michael |
Weaver | Edward |
Weaver | Geoff |
Weaver | Tony |
Webber | Mark |
Wellington | Jack |
Wellington | Sam |
Westover | Michael |
Westover | Phil |
Whimpress | Bernard |
Whitbourne | Colby |
Whitbourne | Brodie |
White | Harry |
White | James |
White | Peter |
White | Stephen |
White | Aaron |
Wickham | Geoff |
Wight | Justin |
Wight | Oscar |
Wight | Rob |
Wild | Matthew |
Wilson | G |
Wines | Oliver |
Winter-Irving | Hamish |
Wohling | Clay |
Wood | Michael |
Woolford | David |
Woolford | Rick |
Woon | Peter |
Wuttke | D |
Wuttke | Simon |
Wyatt | Peter |
Young | Jack |
Young | Michael |
Young | Phil |
Young | Tom |